Hope In Moe ♪

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all about subpages complete! thats it for today, i was a slob while fixated on finishing and need to clean up after my ass
about page & kins done!
Landing page done, starting on the about page
ok so i made a new folder to remake the layout from scratch so i can just copy/paste it back to the main folder and add in the details. so far the header is looking good!
i downloaded the site everything unchanged before puting up the construction sign but it just shows up completly blank... oh god
applesayce 11 months ago

i also made the mistake of not having a clean tab with the original layout, so im basically starting over from memory. maybe didnt think this through.

epic blinkies collection! also the fact that you pre-named everything goes the extra mile for sure, thank you!
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applesayce 11 months ago

Added a review of The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World and a very long and loving review of O Maidens In Your Savage Season

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedFeb 10, 2023
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personal anime touhou otaku graphics