Angels Are Mathematical

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axayacatl 5 months ago

i love this!!!!!

mehlancholia 5 months ago

Soooo pretty!!

saint-images 5 months ago

ад да! (hell yeah!) особенно moko и water, эти прямо запали в душу.

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axayacatl 5 months ago

making things pretty helps me too. i learned this from ux design, people think things are easier to use if they find it visually appealing and are more likely to return to it. best of luck to u! ♡

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cabbagesorter 5 months ago

>am I destined to have all of my life this way?

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cabbagesorter 5 months ago

from personal experience... sadly yes. unless you make an effort to help yourself, like you're doing, which is really great. I more or less have struggled with the exact same issue and the only thing that helps me is a group of people that push me to keep up lmfao

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Your artwork is so surreal...definitely fine art quality!
angelsaremathematical 5 months ago

thank you so much T--T

beautiful paintings! and love your site
angelsaremathematical 6 months ago

ahh thank you! read your blog entries, so interesting... you're cool :)

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axayacatl 5 months ago

@angelsaremathematical so sweet...thank you :')

starlitseas 5 months ago

I used to peruse Pokemon-related Geocities and Angelfire sites as a 10-year-old! Wild to read this.

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bmh 6 months ago

Long, but a good read!

Thank you! I have some unironical advice on how to find friends to do urban exploration together with
angelsaremathematical 7 months ago

Firstly, the set of urbex people overlaps greatly with the set of people who do extreme sports. So if you know anyone into parkour, rock climbing, skateboard and stuff like that, chances are, they would also really enjoy urbex, even if they've never done it before, and you could ask them if they would be interested to explore something abandoned with you

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angelsaremathematical 7 months ago

Secondly, a great way to find even more urbex friends is... meeting them at the abandoned places themselves. Abandoned places have the reputation of being really dangerous, but in reality, going into an abandoned building would be generally safer than taking a simple walk in the city, because the greatest risk and the biggest danger lies in other people.

angelsaremathematical 7 months ago

Abandoned places barely have any people. You are very unlikely to meet anyone there, therefore it's really safe. And if you do meet someone, it's probably going to be people who are also into this rare and niche hobby. It's very easy to become friends with randoms you meet at an abandoned place, I made a bunch of friends that way.

angelsaremathematical 7 months ago

A situation when two or even three separate companies bumped into each other somewhere abandoned, merged into one and continued the adventure together happened to me quite often. And you're likely to hang out again and become good friends with people you met that way

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22yk01 7 months ago

i will reply shortly via email!

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angelsaremathematical 7 months ago

Made a new post about maps and navigating without GPS!

22yk01 7 months ago

wow that sounds like a fun adventure! i have the same ideas about gps, especially when i drive, i never use gps and only rely on signs. urbex is so fun, i wish i had friends to do that with X﹏X congrats for your job btw!

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iwillneverbehappy 7 months ago

Fantastic, can't wait to sit down and read this!

saint-images 7 months ago

I mostly share the sentiment!! I will never understand my friends who won't walk further than a 5 minutes walk away from their own homes without the gps telling them where to go. In their home cities nonetheless... Even though I'm the Spend The Day At Your Dumbputer kind of person I still walk a lot for fun and could probably reach any point in my city while only knowing the address, even the most "ebenya" spots.

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bmh 7 months ago

I use a combination of methods. I'll sometimes use an old GPS in my car for the final leg of a journey to somewhere I'm unfailiar with but I prefer to rely on paper maps and my own hand-written directions. I cycle a lot so visualising the route before hand is most useful. Too many people don't have a clue where anything is in relation to anywhere else.

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