Angels Are Mathematical

4,477 updates
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i really dislike that you can't choose which one of the pages you updated you want to show here.. posting a new entry to my blog requires me to update links on a couple of other pages and I have to carefully adjust the order in which I edit pages to have the new one appear here. I also update unimportant pages often (like random graphics collection) and it overrides important stuff (like my art). uhghgheeeh
axayacatl 5 months ago

i'm in the same position i had to come up with a really obscure order of updating things it's really frustrating because neocities is the only web hosting platform with a feed like this but i feel like we're not given any tools to utilize it properly

angelsaremathematical 5 months ago

yeah.. before uploading a new page, i have to link it everywhere first.. link a nonexistent page.. and only then upload it

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sor 5 months ago

I've thought about this, and I think it doesn't really matter much in the long run. People who access the site in the future will just see the updated pages anyway, so the way it shows up here is irrelevant.

angelsaremathematical 5 months ago

you're right, however I still want to notify my friends from here about something that is important to me

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedApr 24, 2022
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