A-Rok's Pro Website

339 updates
0 tips
Hey, just so you know, you can upload custom font files to use in your website. That way, users won't have to manually install Mona Font. Check this out: In case you're worried about licensing/etc.: I don't know a lick of Japanese, but running Mona Font's readme through an online translator, it seems the font is in the public domain. Cool site, by the way. :)
a-rok 3 years ago

I just realized that you've got a font included with your Femto.css framework, so you already know about this. Sorry for telling you what you already know. Though maybe you don't know this: Font files, including TTF files like Mona Font, are allowed to be uploaded by non-supporter accounts: :)

nanom 3 years ago

Thanks for the info! I'll upload the ttf file :D

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nanom 3 years ago

update: sorry, i couldn't add the font. The ttf file slows down the page loading speed way too much. I also tried converting the file to woff using a npm script, but it didn't worked. Looks like Mona font is just too old to be .woff. Sorry! :c

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Besides cleaning up the code a bit and moving some things around, I've finally managed to upload some actual content. Sure, it's not much, and it's not one of the pages I promised, but it's SOMETHING. Check out the "PlayZone E3 2001 Timestamps" page under the "Other Stuff" section if you dig PS2 games from around '01.
a-rok 3 years ago

And in case anyone thinks I'm trying to cover up the fact that I've yet to upload what I've promised, I've also moved the Coming Soon list to the Other Stuff section.

Cleaned up the code a bit on the index page, and added one of those obnoxious cursor followers. Don't worry, no plans to put it on the other pages, I just put it on the index for shits n giggles. :) Currently listening to the MSX 98 station from GTA Liberty City Stories. I really oughta check out more of this type of music, it r0xx0rz. "Massive big-ups", as the kids say.
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a-rok 4 years ago

Even though one of the things I whined at myself about on the "Coming Soon" page is worrying too much about having clean code, lol. It's my website and I'll do it up how I want :)

I've recently realized some things about myself that relate to my inability thus far to keep the promises I've made on my site so long ago. I've written a page on the subject, so if you're one of my millions of adoring fans who have been waiting over a year and a half for me to ramble on about crappy old video games no one plays anymore, please read it. :)
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I know everyone on this site is living in the past, but Happy New Year. :)

Website Stats

Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedJul 22, 2018
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videogames extremesports 2000s modding howto