A-Rok's Pro Website

339 updates
0 tips
Phew... Just got through checking out about a month's worth/about 35 pages of Neocities updates. Good stuff, everyone.
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Thanks for following. Your website totally reminded me of playing Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2!!
Added the Fake Tab to the new Web Toys section.
Added the Wall o' Quotes to the Other Stuff section, added a random tagline picker to the main page, put in a new favicon, tweaked the CSS a bit, and made the list portion of the Coming Soon page its own frame (so I don't have to keep tweaking that page's CSS to keep the "old style" whenever I update the main CSS)
I gave "Information and How-Tos" a proper page, but as of now it still just gives you a link to that dumb "Not yet!" video. I also added a "Hosted by Neocities" image to the main page. It's based on the one that comes with new sites, but this one's 88x31. Feel free to use it yourself, no need to credit me. For the curious, the font used is called "Qlassik".
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Changed up the CSS, and modified the HTML a bit on all the pages to work with it. Thankfully stuff like that isn't too painful just yet since I've still got a low number of pages. :)
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Website Stats

Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedJul 22, 2018
Site Traffic Stats


videogames extremesports 2000s modding howto