PiPe - The Home of Pepyo!

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For anyone interested: Tomorrow signup applications for Modern Neopets are gonna open!
owlroost 11 months ago

THANK YOU! I keep missing the signup dates.

The clawed hand cursor on Ori's page is super cute because I can hover my cursor over her head like Im petting her :)
pip-pepping 11 months ago

Also, her enclosure is A-DOR-A-BLE!

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Oh, one notable comment on Neocities' 'Download your entire site'- if your site goes above a certain size, that goes away. All that's left is mounting it or downloading through other means. Large part of why I used to work on a local copy and use the provided CLI to upload my changes- everything is always up to date locally. Definitely complicates backups otherwise!
pip-pepping 11 months ago

This I have noticed with other sites I followed! (though Im guessing youre telling me this because of my "back your shit up" article, where at the time I *didn't* know this) This issue is also why I make edits on a local copy and dump everything here afterwards

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Typo on the writing directory: broswer. (I swear I've made the same typo at least once!)
pip-pepping 12 months ago

AUGHHHHHHH (thank you for pointing it out!)

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owlroost 12 months ago

I just noticed the same typo in the title (meta element) of that browser article as well (good taste in extensions btw!).

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pip-pepping 1 year ago

New artwork for Mufotsuki, yay!

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owlroost 12 months ago

Hey, fellow Sky player! I love the art.

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pip-pepping 12 months ago

@owlroost profusely shaking your hand rn

owlroost 12 months ago

Inspired me to make a page for my own skykid, working on that right now!

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Seeing drama about other social platforms while having a personal website is like overhearing a nuke while in a very secure bunker. I recently got pinged on Discord for news about ArtRise (a supposed platform for artists) and I'm glad I do not have skin in the game or a need for an art social media platform anymore
pip-pepping 1 year ago

By the way, if you wanna read about the ArtRise drama too, you can have a peek here (

faerie-starv 1 year ago

I joined that group few years ago when I used to have Deviantart account(closed it back in January) and just read the latest.

This is kind of an impulsive decision, but I think I wanna make a new website...! To be clear, I'm not getting rid of pip-pepping for a new name or whatever, but I'm thinking of a new project and the potential storage costs might make it so it's more beneficial to have another site with its own storage, rather than have it take up storage from my personal stuff
Time to upload that new character, fingers crossed that nothing breaks!

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CreatedMar 14, 2022
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