Unfamiliar with the game until now, looked so engaging and enticing but was turned off by it being on Steam - as I can't game on my PC - but was delighted to see it available for mobile, so I am going to give it a try! :)
paintkiller, it's also on Switch if you want a third option! Wonderful game regardless of platform.
This I have noticed with other sites I followed! (though Im guessing youre telling me this because of my "back your shit up" article, where at the time I *didn't* know this) This issue is also why I make edits on a local copy and dump everything here afterwards
I just noticed the same typo in the title (meta element) of that browser article as well (good taste in extensions btw!).
By the way, if you wanna read about the ArtRise drama too, you can have a peek here (https://www.deviantart.com/4dcube/journal/ArtRise-A-Summary-of-Chaos-973743420)
I joined that group few years ago when I used to have Deviantart account(closed it back in January) and just read the latest.
got some art prepped, but i'll be posting that whenever my deluge of work lets up. you can find me on status.cafe tho @pepyo, where im very much alive