PiPe - The Home of Pepyo!

2,438 updates
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pip-pepping 4 months ago

Mission success! The navbar (at least for the contact page) is no longer an iframe! You should see that it behaves a little differently than other pages with the iframe navbar now :)

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pip-pepping 4 months ago

Also hoping to roll out this update to other parts of the site too

Gonna work on a pretty large site update, stay tuned?
pip-pepping 5 months ago

Or site addition, more like

idea for a future page: bookshelf for comics i've read/am reading. would make for a nice use of that digital bookshelf thing i made
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pip-pepping 5 months ago

New bideos, working on getting the corresponding drawings on the site too

pip-pepping 5 months ago

new artwork: uploaded

"uuu whenever i use up all of my free storage is gonna suuuuuuck" has only used 3.6% of their storage over the course of 2 years and semi-regular updates
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pip-pepping 5 months ago

i did some bad math and 3.6% in 2 years equates to around 1.8% usage per year. that gives me like around 55 years to fill this puppy up

pip-pepping 5 months ago

+ art to go with those bideos

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pip-pepping 6 months ago

look at my videos boy

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Website Stats

Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedMar 14, 2022
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art digitalart personal ocs writing