PiPe - The Home of Pepyo!

2,438 updates
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pip-pepping 2 months ago

Messin' with style switching, I think I mostly have a hold over it now. Code courtesy of the kaled chip (

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pip-pepping 2 months ago

Promo page for an RP group my friend has been working on. Check it out!

What an interesting person that was...
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pip-pepping 2 months ago

What I know: Not long ago I caught wind of a user clearly having a bad time. They were sending a lot of disjointed messages to other users before their account got deleted or they deleted the account themself. Being vague to protect deets.

pip-pepping 2 months ago

Minor update to the index. Also thank you everyone for 200k views! (Those are probably mostly me, whoops)

pip-pepping 3 months ago

New art uploaded

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pip-pepping 3 months ago

Uploaded new art (mainly sketches!)

pip-pepping 3 months ago

Technical difficulties!

pip-pepping 3 months ago

Look at my shrimps everyone

pip-pepping 3 months ago

Looked at this site on mobile and: what the fuck

pip-pepping 3 months ago

ok i fixed it

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enflicted 4 months ago

I'll have to agree that most of our problems, job/wage wise is all government controlled. I've noticed a significant change in the cost of living. The only thing I suggest to people, is go to trade school. Skip college, there will always be a need for a trade. Live within your means, and just be happy.. Life is really to short to feed the corporate machine. I wish you luck in any thing you do!

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedMar 14, 2022
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