Very much so :) If I had all the time in the world, I might try to do photography like he did. However as it stands, I don't have the patience to put as much work into my photos as he did! Still, he's definitely one of my biggest inspirations.
He's pretty rad. And your photos are already at a pretty high standard, too! I find the b/w ones stronger, but color photography is a whole different dimension. I couldn't do what you do with it.
Also, on the translated lit text: There are genuine efforts by some groups to acknowledge translators as authors themselves and credit them accordingly. Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest, when translated to German, was 500 pages longer (that's probably owed to the German language; I don't believe the translator invented new parts) and took around 5 years in total because the translator was so thorough.
I'd be behind mentioning the translators as co-authors because it would establish that a novel changing languages also changes in style and content.
Yeah, there is definitely a totally different methodology behind colour and I have only really experimented with it. I took a look at your page, and I think your polaroids are excellent, most of my stuff is from me being in the right place at the right time but you're out there doing creative things with the medium and that's really cool. Not to mention your paintings and drawings, which are lovely.
And yeah, for sure we should start to acknowledge translators more than the often small acknowledgement on the first page of a novel.
Thank you! I'm an avid collector or old polaroid cameras and I just love the fragility of the photographs. It's like playing with a portable chemistry set. And well, my drawings - working on a bunch of new ones right now. Let's see where that goes.
I should be the one to apologise for bombarding you! I really like your site, it is organised very well and has an air of professionalism to it.
Hey, thanks for stopping by! I totally recommend doing it, it was given to me as an assignment in the first place so I'd love if others adopt it. Do it however you want, everything on my site is Creative Commons so I it makes me extremely happy to see any of what I put out inspire others. Here's the original source for the assignment: "In his sophomore year—which turned out to be his last. At that or any other school
Continued. "he was given an unusual term-paper assignment by his English teacher. She instructed the class to produce not a piece of original writing but a collage in which they were to reproduce as many examples of “beautiful language” as they could find. ... The thin sheets of typescript were coffee-stained and bum- marked, already starting to fox; they were penciled in my father’s hand, at places where he had
screwed up the page numbers, with apologetic marginalia: “Prime goof: two 13’s”; “Skipped #15, sorry another goof”; “Another numerical muff." When I looked at it, I realized that my father had spoken to me about this paper once, in the car. l was about fourteen. He mentioned it with pride, as one of the best things he had ever written, which stuck out (he usually apologized for his newspaper articles, when he showed
them to me, saying, “Remember, ’tis merely a squib”). Of course, he had not written the paper, not really. But what struck me, when | read it, was that almost all of the writers whose work my father was devoted to throughout his life— Faulkner, Bellow, Twain, Agee, Merton, Thomas Wolfe, Dylan Thomas—were there, and he had compiled it when he was twenty-one. Passages I had heard him rhapsodize about, such as the
in Huckleberry Finn when Huck decides, “All right, then, I’ll go to hell," or the “Caddy smells like trees” scene from The Sound and the Fury, or the passage in The Adventures of Augie March where Augie says that he wants to lick the inside of his dead father’s ashtray—they were all represented. In its way, the collage—entitled simply “Beautiful Language”—is a little piece of brilliance: transcribed dialogue from
On the Waterfront is juxtaposed with a verse from the Gospel According to St. Luke. A paragraph from André Schwarz—Bart’s The Last of the Just leads into some lines from Dylan Thomas’s “Fern Hill”: So it must have been after the birth of the simple light In the first, spinning place, the spellbound horses walking warm
That's an interesting approach. Reading multiple translations (although tedious) might lead to a better synthesis of the overall content. In an academic setting, this method makes a lot of sense.
To be clearer, we often read different versions of a work. They all seemed to be translations. The Faustus legend, for example: Marlowe, Mann, Goethe, even Lord Byron's "Manfred". Also things like Antigone. A book I reviewed recently, Home Fire, is an Antigone story, for example
thank you!! <3 :)