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Accidentally deleted your comment... my bad! anyway yes, fixed, and thanks for the heads up
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satyrwoud 3 years ago

you're good :P

Currently under costruction! sorry if there are any dead links...
Question to followers: what are some good, free solutions for hosting media for your site? I can't afford supporter mode. For my photographs and videos I've used flickr and youtube respectively, but I'm wondering if there are any good general solutions
danimotora 3 years ago

I think you can still embed google drive videos to your website? So there's a lot of storage space there, but if you wanted something public-facing then maybe try vimeo?

disc-content 3 years ago

there's also a way to host files in GitHub. (it's a little clunky, but if you can make it work, it's a nice way to get some free storage)

time for an update
pastelshoal 3 years ago

Very true! A revamp even. I want to make the site a bit more clean and populated but its hard to find the time

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Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedSep 28, 2016
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photography literature blog francais games