Krystals Palace

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Just found out the site I am using to host my images doesn't allow you to use it as a CDN unless you are a paid member...... I will now be looking for a new place to host my images or maybe shell out 18 dollars.... we will see, they haven't said anything yet so i have some time.... if all of the images on my site stop working randomly we know why lmao. I also am not 100000% sure what a CDN means so if you do plz lmk
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krystalspalace 2 months ago

I think I'm gonna have to shell out 18 bucks for now and then maybe reconfigure my site

badgraph1csghost 2 months ago

cdn is "content delivery network". i'm not sure why your filehost would have a problem with your particular use-case, you're not using it as a cdn. unless they're using the term wrong :/

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badgraph1csghost 2 months ago

in other words, you're not using your site to serve large files to multiple different platforms, as in the case of a video streaming site or advertising network. all you're using it for is as a filehost for pictures for your website. while you DO have A LOT of pictures, it's not enough to make a big dent in their bandwidth esp since it's only going to 1 place.

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CreatedSep 9, 2023
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