Alex Kyron

658 updates
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Windows Week article 2: Windows 3.1 is up!
dann 5 years ago

My favorite OS. Had so much fun with that.

Hey, just to let you know, when accessing your site today I got a warning that said it's risky to visit it.
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kalex 5 years ago

Huh, weird! Was it SSL related or an antivirus thing? Neocities is supposed to set up the certificates for me if it is an SSL issue :L

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anipike 5 years ago

It's just McAfee WebAdvisor saying the site may be slightly risky to visit and that unwanted/harmful programs may be present.

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kalex 5 years ago

That's really odd, considering that my site literally only has plain html, css, images and some JS for a few simple things, and I'm hosting some wasm unityweb files for roseknight. Huh. Can you submit it as a false positive to McAfee? Oh, and then delete McAfee haha - it's crapware, you should go for a good antivirus solution instead.

anipike 5 years ago

There doesn't seem to be a way to submit anything, most likely because it's just a page generated by a Firefox add-on.

Cool heckin site! Thanks for the birthday wishes too :D
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lmbdfn 5 years ago

Thank you :)

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(also, it's my birthday!)
lmbdfn 5 years ago

Happy birthday ^0^

anipike 5 years ago

Happy birthday! ^_^

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Windows Week has officially started! Article 1 is up - all about Windows 1.0 through 2.03!
lmbdfn 5 years ago

Definitely gonna follow this series

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empeethree 5 years ago

classic Windows versions there!

I'm not sure quite what I'm seeing, but it's cool!
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Thanks for the follow! QShell is really cool!
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Love the aesthetic!
It's been cool seeing your site for years and the fact that you're still here updating it! You rock! :D
anlucas 5 years ago

Totally! I plan to stick around for a long time. I'm not quite as active with updates as much as I used to be due to life stuff getting in the way as of late, but I'm still around and always contemplating new content to add, and as always, it's under construction. Thanks!

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CreatedNov 11, 2018
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