Alex Kyron

658 updates
0 tips
kyle i was gonna upload my new site tonight why have you forsaken me, Soon™ just got later Kyle
encounters-ltd 5 years ago

now you have no excuse

Really Soon™, I Promise™ that the site will be back Soon™. Hell, there might be some stuff there right now. Maybe. I guess you'll find out Soon™, right?
we'll return Soon™
ninjacoder58 5 years ago

Sorry you had to go. Take care.

kalex 5 years ago

for now

1 like
kalex 5 years ago

Awesome! Thanks for embedding my site :D

1 like
Rather than uploading Longhorn and XP today, I figured I'd end off Windows Week with a bang by releasing Windows XP through Windows 10 all tomorrow. Enjoy the content!
kalex 5 years ago

ok so by "tomorrow" what I really meant was "oh shoot i have family over tomorrow and have to do my essay so it'll be satuday" haha sorry i suck lol bye

1 like
Awesome site! Sad to see you leaving but I'll be sure to keep up with!
I saw your comment about using document.write not being smart? I know Firefox works just fine because I use Firefox when making my site, so I'm not sure what you're talking about when you say that Firefox does not tolerate my use of document.write?
kalex 5 years ago

(also, if you're referring to how I stupidly had declared doctype in both my pages and my header.js, I fixed it)

kalex 5 years ago

Alright, I just read your source over - yeah, I see that Internet Explorer doesn't support (`content`), didn't realize. Although, to be fair, that 2.56% of the browser marketshare (and declining) aren't necessarily my target audience. I'll be sure to update my site though on the weekend to work with all browsers either way - but if you're using Internet Explorer, move on, pick up Vivaldi or Firefox or even just Edge

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jeremyredhead 5 years ago

Oh, weird, maybe it's a version thing? (I'm on 66.0.3) ...actually, I just noticed, header.js is being served as absolute link to your NC... i think that's the problem, actually? (some sort of CORS issue) [here i come acting like a know-it-all and i didn't even check the line numbers on the console messages -- SMH]

jeremyredhead 5 years ago

Console Errors: Loading failed for the < script > with source “”. An unbalanced tree was written using document.write() causing data from the network to be reparsed. For more information

jeremyredhead 5 years ago

I still stand by my assertion that manipulation of the DOM (rather than document.write) is the way to go being less error-prone. Vivaldi/chromium doesn't seem happy with document.write inserting < script > tags -- warnings in the console link to: and also:

jeremyredhead 5 years ago

update: ok this is weird, my computer blue-screened, i opened firefox again, **saw your site load as intended**, then had to restart again due to my pc freezing, and now your site is not loading right *again*

kalex 5 years ago

Woah, weird. If that's happening where it's working occasionally but only when you get a BSOD, then it might be an issue on your end? It would make no sense for the site to work, and then not work, and then work again, seemingly related to computer crashes? Also yeah, I *did* notice that Google recommends against this, but the speed difference is marginal enough on even a slow connection not to make it my #1 priority

kalex 5 years ago

(...continued, stupid character limit grr) and even with a connection as slow as mine, a hard refresh with no cache is still pretty speedy. I'll be updating the templating system regardless but I can't tell if the issue you're having is related to my code because I've tested my site on both 65.0.2 and 66.0.3 with no issues and it only seems to happen on your end, and fixed itself after a crash.

invisibleup 5 years ago

I know the header fails to load properly if you're using PrivacyBadger on Firefox.

jeremyredhead 5 years ago

thank you invisibleup! it was privacy badger... i really got to learn to try disabling addons *before* assuming it's a website's fault. SMH at myself

1 like
kalex 5 years ago

Ohh yeah, privacy badger, i remember that causing issues with a friend of mine, it seems to like blocking the neocities site itself. I'll probably go through and change everything to relative references and see if that fixes things

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CreatedNov 11, 2018
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