Alex Kyron

658 updates
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Hey, just to let you know, when accessing your site today I got a warning that said it's risky to visit it.
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kalex 5 years ago

Huh, weird! Was it SSL related or an antivirus thing? Neocities is supposed to set up the certificates for me if it is an SSL issue :L

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anipike 5 years ago

It's just McAfee WebAdvisor saying the site may be slightly risky to visit and that unwanted/harmful programs may be present.

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kalex 5 years ago

That's really odd, considering that my site literally only has plain html, css, images and some JS for a few simple things, and I'm hosting some wasm unityweb files for roseknight. Huh. Can you submit it as a false positive to McAfee? Oh, and then delete McAfee haha - it's crapware, you should go for a good antivirus solution instead.

anipike 5 years ago

There doesn't seem to be a way to submit anything, most likely because it's just a page generated by a Firefox add-on.

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Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedNov 11, 2018
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