spit up your guts!

1,226 updates
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I'M BACK :3 updated film reviews from the past few months, added a few new rants to the like/dislike page, and fixed a couple things on the character bios.
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I have been SO bogged down by school but I’ll hopefully get a break soon where I can do some more stuff on here >:3 I miss html coding
I'll make a full hate post or like... a journal about this but ohhh my goddd i hate the way younger progressives treat every slight misstep as being worth tearing to shreds over (particularly when they already didn't like the person)
hellspit 3 years ago

i say "progressives" and not people in general bc online conservatives (particularly the alt-right) has learned to weaponize outrage to fuel themselves - "they're upset because i speak the Truth!!!1!111" - and therefore appealing to people's existing bigotries :/

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the way i will get MAD anxiety about something and then do it and be like "oh." and then be perfectly fine
today i will be sharing one of my fave official music videos and one of my favorite fanmade music vids: /
i LOVE your webamp player!!! added you to my mutuals! ♥
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infern0 disappeared ? i was looking at their site yesterday and when i went to refresh the tab the site was gone :(
new (and fairly large) update woohoo :D anyway updated my journal, fixed the "main" pages so they actually are viewable on mobile, and finally added some writing. tbh i didn't have much to post but its bc i've been off and on working on a book for the last 2 years lmfao
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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedJan 22, 2020
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jthm gore 90s anarchism goth