spit up your guts!

1,219 updates
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things that will be added next update: rss feeds for journal + writing pages, journal updates, and also status cafe somewhere if i can add it in! <3
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once I finish my hw for this week, think I might change my journal layout <3
its my birthday !! also updated my age (may change my sidebar message at some point bc "twenty and filled with bones" doesn't have the same ring to it xP
ALSO !!! since i have new cds the music will change upon my return !! (my webamp uses entirely stuff i physically own)
i think whenever i come back to update (aka when i am done with this college semester xP) i'm going to revamp a few of my pages <33
hellspit 1 year ago

not completely i love the vibes i just think some pages (about, char list, journal, a couple others) are a bit bland xP

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okay blue checkmark hilarious but i can't wait until fad is over i want heart back Dx
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also gosh i would like to come back and update some stuff on here but college is constantly kicking my ass
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psychonauts 1 year ago

ITS OK! take ur time, u dont owe us updates nd whatnot :o) its ur website, u do what u want!

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neocities feed has enough activity on it its finally gone to my birth year! (2002)
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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJan 22, 2020
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jthm gore 90s goth anarchism