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Your newest post about Saint Catherine and the series talks about anothe woman called Catherine reminded me about 2 of the most famous books which are Genevieve of de la Martine and also the return of Narnia of C S Lewis, talking about Narnia and aslan the lion made me think immediately about Jesus, the very strange thing is that I read it in arabic more than 14 years ago, the translators were Muslims, so I got
Really confused because the scene of the death of Aslan is the same of the scene of Jesus Crossifiction process, Later I knew that they translated it not knowing that info, and after finishing reading the series I realized that the whole series present very christian aspects if i may say so.
It is known that Muslims are ordered by Quran not to believe in Jesus death and resurrection if you don't know already.
Wow, very cool. Absolutely, it's an explicitly Christian series. You think they might have censored or maybe not have translated it at all if they'd known that Aslan is supposed to be Christ? I'm glad you got to read it.
I don't think so, the first time I read the series was ebooks in pdf format translated for free by English literature students who made this as a practicing method I guess in the era of forums. But I felt its christianity at once. Then the whole series was translated commercially and was published and i Don't think they censored any parts..
Talking about censoring the whole series: I don't think so neither.. but they could stop translating it.. Christians in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq could do this better instead. But most Christians in Middle East are traditional so they don't read a lot of C. S. Lewis despite I feel he is not counted in a certain denomination.. still there are protestants here, I would love to be one of them because my mind and my
Heart are protestants 😁😁 but for the peace of my family, the big and the small too, i do not go there periodically... I don't go to Orthodox (my birth denomination) periodically neither.. my wife and my relatives do..
It is kind of complicated, please pray for me.
I will try to keep in mind not to marry the ugliest female specimen possible. (Thumbs up)
please do!