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I can not wait for the day that 3DSPaint finally gets to the point where I can say "I am unironically a fascist" without getting banned, simply by figuring a way past the rules. It's already become the case on Twitter, so now we just need to do it on an actually decent website.
didntask 2 months ago

The day of the 3DSPaintenreich is coming.

dc-blog 2 months ago

@didntask I can guarantee that in less than 5 years, we'll be able to say it publicly on Paint, assuming it survives that long (which I bet it would).

chipsfunfun 2 months ago

dc, i dont think ur a facist... u literally talk to me (a jew) positively, you are cool with queer people, etc

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dc-blog 2 months ago

@chipsfunfun lol ik (and ik well im not, tbh im closer to anarchy than anything). It is funny to see when people can't respond simply by calling yourself a fascist though. Words are practically worthless if you dont let them have power, so you don't care then you win by default (especially when you're trolling people who've never seen a REAL nazi, just a troll putting "deep hard butt-sex" and a swastika up at once)

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CreatedDec 30, 2021
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