
1,625 updates
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grb was updated.
7 months ago
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grb was updated.
1 year ago
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era-of-antares 1 year ago

Hello!! Thank you so much for following me. ^_^ Even though it's taking me forever to get this set up, lol.

hello i like your color test computer monitor gif is it ok if i use it
What might be called my "actual site" is up. But eventually i want to make it more like a game (like you navigate it with a character). I use API calls and a lot of javascript to make it more or less "dynamic" on my end. You can use WASD to move around the nodes.
grb was updated.
1 year ago
hey.. how are your songs autoplaying.. I copied the tags, attributes, and content onto one of my pages to test it, yet it isn't autoplaying..
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curiocities 1 year ago

Gee, I don't know why that's happening. As long as it says Autoplay in the name for the attribute like how it is in mine it should be autoplaying, if you sent me a page where you tried to do it I could look at it and see if anything looks wrong.

i like how the back arrow just redirects you back
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tf 2 years ago

well-behaved back arrow

grb was updated.
2 years ago
grb was updated.
2 years ago

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedOct 3, 2019
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art music videogames programming args