squidknees has moved

2,658 updates
0 tips
ohh my god neocities changed the way update previews are generated, so now all my carefully arranged updates look like the opposite of what I want them to?! this sucks I need to get off this host
squidknees 1 year ago

maybe I'll just shell out the money for a domain and go w/ netlify until I can afford dynamic hosting on a regular basis

owlroost 1 year ago

If you're comfortable uploading using FileZilla, rsync, or similar tools, then Nearly Free Speech might be worth looking into. Comes with a subdomain, so no domain needed (but you can have them if you want), and it's pay-what-you-use. My site's like $3 a month, if that.

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owlroost 1 year ago

Happy to help out if you decide to go that route since I've been on the host for a bit now and can give pointers.

squidknees 1 year ago

thanks - I'm sniffing into a few free options atm but I'll let you know if I decide to try that one :)

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Last updated 12 months ago
CreatedOct 6, 2020
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art worldbuilding