Sanguinaria Canadensis

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jesuisordure 1 year ago

a friend told me about 'dragula', but i hadn't found any way to watch it, so thank you for the link! it strikes me as the difference between circus performers [RPDR] and 'freaks and geeks'. rather than being an aesthetically accepted performance that falls well within the boundaries of societal 'good taste', it's about showing the ugliness inherent in that same society, and how it treats them cont.

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jesuisordure 1 year ago

as well as the 'ugliness' that is supposedly inside the outliers of society, art, thought, behaviour etc. it is purposefully unsettling, upsetting, and unnerving, because it holds up a mirror with very dark glass. oops, i wrote a thesis! great update? :)))

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sanguinariacanadensis 1 year ago

Happy to provide links ;) And yeah! Ur right on all counts. Love ur thesis, would read 10+ pages of it, etc.

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CreatedApr 8, 2022
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