3,349 updates
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major overhaul for the index, no longer that gradient used for hfjone wooooo (still has the same premise thing)
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im ill (runny nose+sore throat), updates might slow down, sorry
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denpatenshi 9 months ago

i love dude, stop and there's no game too!

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added the webrings on the index page so that you dont need to go to ninertynine every time you wanna navigate to any of the webrings im in (if you know what i mean)
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might update the site's main layout [the hub/ninertynine], its not gonna be another new layout, just some little details added to make it less boring, and might redo the very very awesome part [not like remove any sites, just resorting and stuff]
rotaryphoney 10 months ago

I'm still trying to map out some stuff that i could probably add for ninertynine, and fixing the css for mobile [looks hideous, trust me]

rotaryphoney 10 months ago

plus, the layout was kinda rushed before jan 1 (new years)

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedSep 4, 2022
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multifandom silly