I absolutely love this website's style... It kinda reminds me of those graphic agency type websites from the 00's with those sharp edges and muted color schemes. I love it!
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This website is absolutely bonkers. The amount of effort put into this is immeasurably impressive. The modern-60's style, the late 90's-cgi graphics, the overall bubbly and bouncy aesthetic is really captivating and beautiful!
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I'm not sure if this is a complete coincidence, or maybe the communities overlap, but I also happen to be on iox! I'm one of the creators of Tom News Network. Cool to see you here!
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Thanks for the follow and all the kind words, right back at you as well your site has such an awesome style and so much to read. Maybe one day I will have read it all.
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hey thanks, totally the look i'm going for!! same to you as well, I love the graphic work you've done.