Hey thank you so much! Just now checking out your site, really enjoying the elegant simplicity. Your radio section has me inspired to perhaps put together a page for my tape collection and walkmans I've repaired.
i always dig looking at people's prized collection of antiques, junk and creations made from that stuff. doooo it
Added some embedded music, updated TOOLS page with some cool stuff, and added two new episodes in my Personal --> Podcast Appearances page.
Added some new art, updated the Personal/About section, added some new links. Prob still some tweaks here and there.
Couple small changes to the navigation menu; added Patreon link. Adding some more art and cool stuff soon, promise! Just busy working on the comic.
New drawing posted for anyone who missed it: "PRINCESS OF A THOUSAND ENEMIES". Also fixed the site counter, it works now!! Thanks DANNARCHY for such a handy guide. Also fixed the RSS link to go to my manually-updated feed, for anyone who prefers to use that instead of the default NeoCities RSS.
i spent my hermit summer hiding from bugs as well. got my day in before 9 am and hid. you just need to always be moving or hiding. still miss it