Reagan Lodge

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Working on the comic, playing Halo 2 Classic campaign co-op during breaks. Only got to do multiplayer back in the 00's (cuz that's what you did when visiting your Cool Xbox Friend's House and everyone else was there). Insane how much better it is than almost every other FPS today. I know it's not just nostalgia goggles either since I never did the campaign before now.
reaganlodge 5 months ago

also the instrumental Incubus and Breaking Benjamin songs appearing in the game are excellent. I wasn't even into either band previously (maybe casual radio listening in highschool) but it felt so PERFECT in H2.

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didntask 5 months ago

Breaking Benjamin playing at the uh... Whatever towards the end with all the brutes and elites fighting in a room was soooo good

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reaganlodge 5 months ago

yeah for real. I don't think you get game music moments like that anymore, at least not in AAA titles. Don't know if it's because the music is lame by design or if there's just more licensing red tape than before. Some indie titles like Undertale manage to hit that sweet spot where the music and game medium combine so perfectly into that almost Wagnerian "total work" feel.

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CreatedSep 9, 2023
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art comics furry drawing illustration