A Heavy Hand Is Holding Me Down

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this year i'm intending to write more political essays in regards to theory, transfeminism/gender and countering reactionary notions from ai art discourse to minorities in the US benefiting from US imperialism despite being oppressed in the nation. plus other site tweaks and additions. we shall see if these do get implimented.
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gonna be revamping my site soon. i'm hoping to "relaunch" it roughly around jan 1st, and overall it won't be like SUPER different, i'm just doing an overhaul of graphics and redoing some structural things.
would love to update my website bc of the sh2 remake + general populace not voting but unfortunately my job is insanely busy and the dogs we have are CRAZYYY rn
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pochemuchka 4 months ago

just know i'm alive but active more on tumblr and even then its mainly reblogs or talking about beer.

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedJun 26, 2022
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personal blog politics socialism goth