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okay NOW i'm happy with my commissions page. yeehaw.
1 like
I made a spur of the moment quick button last night, too, but now i'm realizing maybe I should have put PARADISE_PARADE instead of my handle..... maybe that can be a different button.
I wish I could just rip my carrd site directly for my commissions page, wheezes.
mirrorteru 2 years ago

but that's me being lazy tbh. in other words, gonna try working on that page rn,

The about page is to a point I'm currently content with... will likely mess with it more at some other point, I already have thoughts, but. For noowwww... ...what page to work on next. Commissions is the most important, maybe...
mirrorteru 2 years ago

Kind of thinking of nabbing my panels layout from my other site for the commission page's base because. Something something teensy bit more professional looking something something. We'll see.

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Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedJan 9, 2019
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