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trying to get the journal stuff together...
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I am so tempted to start working on a page for like. My otherkin/fictionkin/alterhuman stuff. Like I'm real private about that stuff and this is an easily viewable site, but like... ..idk I'd like??? To do it?????
mirrorteru 4 months ago

another thing on the list of stuff I want to do here, I suppose. I gotta get the base pages at least some sort of temporary things so they can be in the new layout jhgfdfghjh

OH NO i focused so much on working the new layout between focus-jumps that I forgot about the discord image thing gfdsdfg
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hm. after all that tumblr stuff. now I wonder if I should just mirror ask blog stuff here lol. I mean that'd require me coding the pages for it but like. Still.
maybe if i draw more things of Terror that will let me have more assets to use for the site anyway---
my creative bouncing around continues, as I work on a video for a Vocaloid cover

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedJan 9, 2019
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