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okay, I have some of my progress on the ConcealedErrors site uploaded there. It's nowhere near finished, but... I'm happy with the progress I'm making currently!
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concealederrors 2 years ago

(i really need to figure out how I wanna go about the little story bits ect. though, goodness...)

mirrorteru 2 years ago

i also actually do not know what to put in the main window at all, it's blanking on me, and I have updates as a seperate thing.... (entirely because I specifically wanted 4 buttons bc I thought it looked / felt better)

concealederrors redesign is going swimmingly, actually. no sarcasm i'm happy
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maybe i should give up on the shapes for now, hough.
torn between working more on concealederrors redesign and. starting on interest pages / basically shrines. I want to do my Vocaloid (vocal synth) one REAL badly, but...........
totally wanna look through some of my older art and see what I'd wanna put up here too.... I deleted my dA, so my OLD old art is gone, but that's fine anyway lmao
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i don't even know if that went through since the comment was accidentally deleted but it was available from the email link.... huh
mirrorteru 2 years ago

to be exact i accidentally hit delete on the vocaloid webring comment HHHHHHH why isn't there a yes or no confirmation???

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Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedJan 9, 2019
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