Koshka's Kingdom

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Very sick of my feed being clogged by idiots following dozens of other people at once in an attempt to get more attention to their site.
koshka 3 years ago

Would be nice if Neocities at least included an option to filter out that nonsense.

fragmentandreflect 3 years ago

i suppose all things nerdy and underground eventually become soiled by superficial attention seeking muggles at some point :( i just ended up unfollowing anyone that does that

chronicles 3 years ago

Ha. I remember those days, wouldn’t be surprised if you could dig up a message of me asking for site building tips on your feed!

bmh 3 years ago

I'm pretty sure I did this when I was new here... but then I didn't have too many people following me in return to all get spammed with that nonsense :D

koshka 3 years ago

@fragmentandreflect, that's a very sad, universal truth. Normiefication is a social entropy that causes everything that is good to be decayed. It's for this reason that I will never stop defending the practice of gatekeeping. There are far too many NORPs/NPCs/muggles that have no real interests or passions and just want to superficially latch on to anything interesting and drink it dry like a leech.

fragmentandreflect 3 years ago

For pretty much my entire life i've been mocked and ostrasized for clothes, music, ideas that the same people will a few years later be totally into because it's suddenly trendy. Maybe that's just the way it works when you're an individual. Maybe it's because we spend time tapping into the collective pool of human creativity and discover aspects of the collective unconscious before they become conscious idk??

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fragmentandreflect 3 years ago

ideally as humans evolve peopel will be more comfortable following there own inner guidance and moral compass, but we're evolving out of thousands or some might say millions of years of group dynamics that were necessary for survival in nature..

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koshka 3 years ago

That's definitely happened with nerd culture! People used to be made fun of for being introverted too, and now obvious extroverts are claiming to be introverted. Even autism is now being appropriated by some people now that the stereotype is moving beyond "classical" autism. In my experience, most (not all) neurotypicals are just herd animals that just want to fit in and be accepted by the majority of other people,

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koshka 3 years ago

and don't care how hypocritical or immoral they have to be in order to do so. Some of them are genuinely shocked when they encounter someone who doesn't care about fitting in. I honestly wonder if autism/non-conformity is an evolutionary mechanism designed to make sure that even if the entire rest of the herd collectively commits suicide due to stupidity, a few people will remain to rebuild afterward...

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fragmentandreflect 3 years ago

Sadly it often ends up being the sensitive weirdos taking their own lives and the tenacious dick weeds keep thriving. I'm hopeful of things shifting in the coming years and maybe I'll get to see Elon musk and others put on trial for crimes against humanity

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fragmentandreflect 3 years ago

I'm not down to see them executed, just forced to grow vegetables on a sinking island and learn how to be compassionate to themselves and others

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koshka 3 years ago

The sad truth is that humans are, at their core, apes that can use tools. Our brains haven't had time to evolve since the days when rape and murder were considered socially acceptable. It's possible for us to overcome this, but far too few people care to make the effort to do so. Thus, sadly, sensitivity and empathy are generally not traits that help a person pass on their genes.

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I put together a few notes on the first part of your wonderful creepypasta: Belated happy birthday (again) to your awesome site, my friend!!
holeinmyheart 3 years ago

OMG TY TY! so fun to see what people liked! ty for the feedback, i'll fix the mistakes & upload the next part in a bit.

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holeinmyheart 3 years ago

& yea the title drops were intentional ;D

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koshka 3 years ago

Happy Halloween! After days of hard work, I have put together the most interactive DOS game fan-shrine yet, for the classic computer game Monster Bash! Lamentably, it does not seem to work in IE due to lack of proper CSS animation support. Please make sure JavaScript is enabled as well! I also fixed 2 broken creepypasta links at the Haunted House (Infected Town and Patient Who Nearly Drove Me Out of Medicine.) Enjoy!

holeinmyheart 3 years ago

LOL. i looked up a playthrough to see the final boss and I have to agree

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lolwut 3 years ago

This is very impressive, and I commend you for at least caring about compatibility with Internet Explorer, rather than merely disregarding the browser entirely, as too many others nowadays are apt to do.

fragmentandreflect 3 years ago

Happy Halloween 🎃 Awesome work!

koshka 3 years ago

@Holeinmyheart, Yeah I kind of wonder if Frank Maddin simply ran out of time to develop a proper final boss. It's utterly bizarre how Count Chuck shows up to belittle you over and over throughout the game, and is then blissfully asleep when you finally show up to fight him...

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koshka 3 years ago

Thank you very much, @lolwut! I tried tweaking some things to make it work in Internet Explorer but those doggone animations just would not show up. I will always at least make an effort to ensure compatibility with Internet Explorer, if for no reason other than because you will always use it.

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koshka 3 years ago

Thank you so much, @fragmentandreflect!!

I know I've been bad at responding to people in a timely manner. Been working all day on Haunted Manor, the goofy "Monster Bash" fan-shrine that will be tomorrow's Halloween update. Not that it'll be unusually long, it's just that these DOS game shrines really do take ages to put together. There'll be some fun concepts however...
koshka 3 years ago

In other, more relevant, Halloween news, my friend @HoleinMyHeart has put up the first part of a promising new creepypasta story, and I HIGHLY recommend reading it. He's a very talented writer, and does not get nearly enough appreciation.

koshka 3 years ago

In COMPLETELY unrelated news because I'm drunk ranting, I decided to buy two pairs of noise-cancelling headphones (one active and one passive) as an early Christmas gift for myself, both for personal use and so that I could be more informed on them. I'll update the Helpful Accommodations for Autistic People page on this eventually, but suffice to say, both are true boons in their own ways and I am jubilated with them

koshka 3 years ago

I wrote up an analysis on the many intersections between autism and personality disorders, a rabbit hole that turned out to be far deeper and more riveting than when I first started writing and doing research on the subject. Quite long unfortunately, but something I am confident that anyone with an interest in psychology will find interesting.

koshka 3 years ago

Added the Red Forest section, containing basic information about S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, as well as a guide to the various obscure glitchy collectibles to be found in it. Also added a link to the excellent Benvolio's Workbench Commander Keen site to the Dock. I am currently writing a WHALE of an article on the intersections between autism and personality disorders, and am hoping to finally be done soon.

holeinmyheart 3 years ago

damn takes me back to the old days when there was so much speculation/unknown/mystique on the internet. i remember reading forum posts about hidden items/pokemon and stuff that often evolved into its own lore

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koshka 3 years ago

@holeinmyheart, I miss those days! It was more fun when there was more left to the imagination and there were still things to speculate about.

fragmentandreflect 3 years ago

Look forward to reading your thoughts on the cross-over between autism and other mental health issues

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koshka 3 years ago

Thank you so much, @fragmentandreflect! I just finally put it up -- I was hoping to be done earlier but it wound up taking up more time than I had anticipated.

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fragmentandreflect 3 years ago

i hear you on that, im always like ya this piece of writing should be done by the end of today if I drink some coffee.. 7 months later...

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koshka 3 years ago

I believe that it should all come out when it wants to come out, personally. Sometimes I will be completely unable to even start on something for months and then I'll finish it in one go with ease. I think when it comes to writing/art, a lot of it happens in the subconscious, and sometimes the dish that you're waiting to serve simply hasn't spent enough time in the oven yet.

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Your requested creepypasta is currently coming together. All i'll say is: brace yourself
koshka 3 years ago

Thank you for the wonderful news, my friend! I can't wait!! Ɑ:

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koshka 3 years ago

Added a tidbit about the problems with high/low-functioning labels for autistic people to the Autism Myths page, and added two new Affiliates - Svetlana Studios and Turtle Witch. Currently working on 8 different pages on and off, including a rather riveting (in my opinion) new autism article that I started work on this weekend and am hoping to get done by the end of the week. Apologies for the radio silence. ):

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Now the loony Chinese government is murdering cats because their human came down with covid. It's been 2 years and somehow the covid cultists are still finding a way to outdo themselves in their madness. Now they're OPENLY sacrificing living beings to appease their tin pot god - a yard sale flu that was recently entirely eradicated in an Indian state simply via people using so-called "horse dewormer".
koshka 3 years ago

I'm morning drunk and might regret my tone a tiny bit, but it needed to be said.

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bright-eyes 3 years ago

It's probably because cats have been found to be infected with covid, but China isn't exactly known for its compassion towards animals (or people, for that matter...).

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bmh 3 years ago

Using Iverm... I mean, "horse dewormer", doesn't align with the agenda... I can see how killing people's pets does (sadly).

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koshka 3 years ago

So now we're being open about how "I WILL SAVE YOU FROM DYING FROM COVID BY KILLING YOU MYSELF!!!" is the ultimate goal here?

koshka 3 years ago

Added custom sidebar buttons to Koshka's Kitchen, a new site-wide sidebar button for the Autism section, and a new Affiliate - Spirit Cellar - to the Dock/Portal. Sadly, I have been too lacking in mental energy and free time to get anything else done, but hopefully that shall pass soon. \:

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CreatedAug 3, 2020
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