Awesome site! I thought the "Hole" you described on your homepage to be pretty interesting, so I'm reading the creepypasta right now! Though I was born WAY after Y2K and all the other old-web things, this is a very interesting read, thanks for sharing it!
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I gotta say, you have such a beautiful website! the vibrant color palettes, the wonderfully pixelated aesthetic, all the different pages, and the raw artistic talent that you've got is (in some cases literally) oozing right off the screen. Looking forward to all the things you'll make!
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Idk if it published my reply or not (my phone is lagging a lot), but thank you SO MUCH!! It really means a whole lot to me you enjoyed my web corner that much :’] It’s the type of motivation I wish to have on the upcoming phases of it.
No problem! I'm glad you like my site, I've worked really hard on it
GM note: we were actually born way after that too lol, we're like 14 -gm dave