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sooo cute!! i love your crafts, and especially the spinarak you made! that shot of him on the web pic on the laptop was genius and adorable.
the bulbasaur ornament is EVERYTHING omg!!!!
Your Bulbasaur is too cute!
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Spinarak is crazy cute! You did very well!! I love it! (I always thought Spinarak and Ariados were underrated Gen 2 mons. It was annoying getting Ariados in random battles on Smogon because they would always use Sticky Web -_-)
Also your work reminds me of Amigurumi a lot!
thanks, amy! ^^
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sooo cute!! i love your crafts, and especially the spinarak you made! that shot of him on the web pic on the laptop was genius and adorable.
the bulbasaur ornament is EVERYTHING omg!!!!