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hey :] just a little message to say that i really like your website ! i like the intuitive designs, it makes me feel nice when i look at every page. I especially love the D12 freestyle analysis you made, i dont know how to explain it but the music and the texts fold just right. Also, the french journal is a really good idea, plus your french is great !
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hedgehogblog 1 month ago

aw, thank you so much! that's really encouraging. :) i will admit i am relying heavily on translation services but i've really enjoyed using it as an outlet to practice!! i love your site as well

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added a garden post called "bedroom wall". just a silly little concept i wanted to play around with. click around for some easter eggs!!
ratanarchist 3 months ago

love the bedroom wall!! so cute. the avril lavigne poster spoke to me on a spiritual level

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hedgehogblog 3 months ago

thank you so much! :) i was just reading your zines the other day. big fan

oh! by the way, have you seen this?
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kabannoneko 4 months ago

Yeah I have! Also signed up for IFDB, but not the forums yet lol

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMar 4, 2024
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personal digitalgarden hedgehogs blog french