~~~Welcome Traveller~~~

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Argh I need to clean my CSS and remake some pages... Also add a few things here and there... I'll try to get things done these days. ^^
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I tried to write in your guestbook but it keeps flagging me as spam and idk why. :'( I love your site! I think the stuff you like to collect are really cool. I love the cups! I used to work in a place that sold cups like that from time to time. It really made me appreciate the artistic work people put into some china sets - it's rare to see nowadays. Keep up the great work on your site! :) I look forward to re-visit
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keeeok 1 year ago

Thank you for the kind words ^_^ I love your website as well, especially the theme! Hmm strange, I'm not sure why it flags you as spam, maybe it's a bug? Also oohh yeah those cups are really lovely :^ I love porcelaine, fine china, bone china.. kudos to the people making these! I also might join your free speech webring some day in the future. I really like the concept.

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Hey man! I find your website really interesting and I just wanted to say something in regards to your dislikes, do not hate yourself for that! It's completely normal to get annoyed by something.. And I gotta say, you're not alone(except that I like the word wholesome). I read your 2024 journal entries and I can give some advice if needed :-D have a great day
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cybercentre 1 year ago

Hi, I wasn't expecting a response like this. The thing is, some of the annoyances are at things that are sensitive (I mean sensitive), and awareness of these specific annoyances seems very lackluster. There is no "feeling" with the awareness, y'know? So it doesn't feel true, but it could be the Prozac doing something.

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cybercentre 1 year ago

But recently I've been preoccupied with myself a lot and have been using the internet in a pretty simple way.

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keeeok 1 year ago

It's really good that you're preoccupied with yourself more, keep it up :') also, I love your drawings! Do you take classes or are you self thought?

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cybercentre 1 year ago

I'm self-taught

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Last updated 11 months ago
CreatedAug 19, 2023
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