Hi, sorry for the late response!! I am indeed from the great east coast, particularly upstate new york... fun times! If youre talking about radio show, yeah I had to end it lately due to life moving on
I got a snazzy new frontpage cover image since I've just begun darkroom work. all page cover images to be replaced in the following weeks. excited
I think you shouldn't feel guilty for writing about your life on *your* website, trust me it has more than enough substance to not be seen as a glorified self hosted twitter or something if that's what you worry about!
I try not to be *too* public about my goings as my website is basically my portfolio... but then again it is my personal site with my own blog section lol. It's kinda like my mind is all split about the direction of my site... personal little corner or photographic portfolio? To quell this, I kinda went with the idea of it being both and I am pretty happy. And yeah lol I at least set myself apart and--
--try to not make it like some sort of little rant corner (despite the name). I think a little bit of personality is always good for any site, adding your thoughts here and there. Very very different to a little twitter or instagram page. that's for sure