
1,189 updates
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seeing the site is messed up on my friends laptop screen and just >grimacing emoji goes to try and change/fix things
concealederrors 2 years ago

me: yeah it should look fine on desktop! :D also me: >forgets theres screen sizes outside of 1920 x 1080

kind of want to add (not-autoplay) music to some of the story bits ngl. i know some free music sites, so...
it's funny, I forgot I added that modernDOS font bc it wasn't working or loading for days, and then SUDDENLY---
okay I'm totally gonna change the about up (eventually) to be IC-ly for KadinOS's info, then have that link to like. the site info that's currently there. Not right now though, but. Eventually.
. oh i suddenly know what i want to do for the main window. jotting that down for tomorrow
wow neocities is reaching BAAAACK for those previews huh. that isn't correct at all
concealederrors 2 years ago

regardless, I'm uploading my current progress on this site. It's still not finished, and there's much in the way of pages I need to redo (or straight up... Do) but, hey.

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Last updated 9 months ago
CreatedFeb 17, 2022
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art stories worldbuilding webcomic ocs