Black Mage Gaming

1,540 updates
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I saw you had your 3ds friend code on your about page... RIP 3ds online...
wi-fi 3 months ago

i knew my 3DS friendcode by heart before my own number and still know it (and not my switch one) rip

1 like
This webpage rules
Wait, it's April already?
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noobscape 3 months ago

Oh shit it's April already

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WTF is this Daria assistant I asked if she liked frogs and she berated me I hate her
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dc-blog 3 months ago

Total Daria Death

wg2k 3 months ago


blackmagegaming 3 months ago

It was just deleted

Sorry for a lack of updates, I've not been feeling my best as of recent, and I'd rather not code unless I have a sound mind.
silverheart 4 months ago

i hope things get better for you soon, in whatever way they can.

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the-game-hoard 4 months ago

I hope you get better dude:)))

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Just played through, and beat Hypnospace outlaw. Oh my god. I've not felt this way about a video game since my first Cave Story playthrough back in 2017.
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I love Windows 93 and your page gives me huge Windows 93 vibes. Also probably because 93 Realms is hosted on your page
gradientos 4 months ago

It's not hosted by me, I just made a client for 93 Realms. I also wanted to integrate Windows 96 features in there but MsgRoom shutdown for forever.

I am so confused why the links in my iframe didn't work, then when I implemented a fix, they still didn't work, but when I come back today they do work???
wg2k 4 months ago

was probably a hard refresh thing

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silverheart 4 months ago

ctrl+F5 will force the browser to hard refresh whatever site you're looking at, if your site isn't showing changes it may just be cached (saved locally to your computer to make viewing it next time faster) and the hard refresh will make everything reload properly.

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedMar 6, 2023
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videogames coding programming rpg blackmage