Black Mage Gaming

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gradientos 2 months ago

Hello, world! 🔥🔥🔥🤯🔥🔥🤯🤯🤯😲😲😳😳🔥🔥

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Well, I made a Melonland Forum account, but it's Monday so the forum is closed. I remember finding a workaround to this a long time ago, but it either doesn't work, or I forgot it. I'll link my account here in the replies when it re-opens. And I'll also add it to my "contact me" page.
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oerrorpage 2 months ago

it opens on @999.99 in melonland swatch time.

blackmagegaming 2 months ago

I love swatch time so much

Should I join Melonland Forums? I've been aware of it for a long time, and have been lurking for the past week or two. I've never been very forum savvy, but it seems like a very pleasant place.
oerrorpage 3 months ago

yes, its kewl.

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wg2k 3 months ago

might join myself

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gradientos 3 months ago

I am considering on that question too... It does seem like a humble place without drama...

oerrorpage 2 months ago

instead of drama, they talk about drama

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My allergies are KILLING me. This sucks.
oerrorpage 3 months ago

your not the only one...

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genosadness 3 months ago

At least once a year, allergies leave me unable to breathe for like 5 seconds or so. Having anxiety doesn't help. TAKE YOUR ALLERGY PILLS!!!!!!!!

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gradientos 3 months ago

I have a nut sensitivity; when I eat something with nuts, my lips itch a lot. It sucks, trust me.

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i approve
replying to ur question, i think the scrollbar thing is only availible on firefox. i'm not worried abt that tho i mainly meant the point n click thing on the art page and the image border
blackmagegaming 3 months ago

Oh yeah, that page doesn't work on any of my setups, Macbook or Windows, though I haven't checked linux yet.

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blackmagegaming 3 months ago

Could you do it similarly to how does it with their nav icons on the left and right columns?

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silverheart 3 months ago

custom scrollbars should actually be supported natively on chromium-based browsers as of last year, if that's helpful to know. safari and other webkit-based browsers you can still customize scrollbars on, but you'll have to duplicate all your code and add -webkit- before everything. this site's really helpful for checking what browsers support what features, at least i use it a lot

gradientos 3 months ago

For other browsers, use the pseudo elements: ::-webkit-scrollbar, ::-webkit-scrollbar-button, ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb, ::-webkit-scrollbar-track, ::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece, ::-webkit-scrollbar-corner, ::-webkit-resizer (info automatically gotten from W3Schools)

I think my next big update will be when I finally index my videogame collection. I'm glad I'm taking more time right now to browse Neocities rather than conventional social media, it's been therapeutic.
blackmagegaming 3 months ago

I also want to revamp my "about me" page, since I feel it may be a bit outdated.

gradientos 3 months ago

I only have Discord as social media...

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CreatedMar 6, 2023
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videogames coding programming rpg blackmage