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tldr; I'm asking if anyone else requires a "live preview" next to their code while working on their sites, rather than refreshing a webpage? I'm interested in "what does everyone else do" bcuz only *now* am I looking into alternative ways to code after telling myself "tumblr live preview won't last forever"
i use brackets and i can't lie i literally just found out it had a live preview section this entire time. i've been refreshing my pages each time i've made a single edit. you are a lifesaver
back then when i was starting out i used to write directly on the neocities ide, pressing update and praying it hasnt borken anything. nowadays i use vsc with a an extension that runs a local webserver (five server, derivative of live server) which i can use to preview live on the computer and other devices on the lan. every time i save the file it automatically refreshes all browsers connected to it, very convinient
I love VSCode and that same extension. When I started it was an editor called brackets that had a live preview function so yeah it helps a lot.
I run my site locally on my computer and I use an extension called "Live Server". Instead of Live Preview that has the page only in the VSC window, I got it also in my browser. But way back then when I first started, I used the editor built into Neocities..... and that was a pain to double check every time you changed something
Live replay? THAT'S A THING?!?!? omg I was working with Neocities' editor on 2 tabs and my site on another, switching between them. Well at least now I have a reason to try out vsc
@dagio-lol yes! bcuz of this I was using tumblr's live editor for custom pages for the longest time, but vsc has a a few plug-ins for live preview! currently I use live preview by microsoft, plz do try it!