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despite my best efforts, at the moment, I can't see this page going forward any time soon... I want to talk abt the OVA more but I've come to some kind of "mental block" in terms of what's next in layout and information :((
@wackyworkbench hey, documenting all this and small details takes a lott of time to do. I know you'll figure it out eventually, it'll come together as you make it. But so far this is sooo well done, I really like pages like this, you posting screenshots too adds to it. If you ever feel tired making something like this, always stop, rest and come back to it later, take your time
@radicalblur thank you! I'm very glad you enjoy the page so far! m(__)m you're right though, over time the page will develop and change, and it's okay if it doesn't either! <3