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i plan to stay until an official confirmation about ai being in the source code editor is actually in use and in my face annoying me. i did mirror over to nekoweb as a backup, but neocities is my home still.
It's not really a problem to me. It's his opinion and one that was made a year ago, apparently. I understand the concern but it's not enough to make me move. That said, I've been eyeballing Nekoweb for other reasons.
@soulbox that's interesting, I didn't realize it was from a post from a year ago w/ the way ppl were talking abt the current (?) code editor, I'm more saddened by the amount of ppl suddenly jumping ship and how quiet this place might get :(
@wackyworkbench Ah yeah, there's rumors but nothing's confirmed. I think a lot of users are also staying though. Once the dust settles, it'll just be yet another day online until some even crazier happens lol.
Found posts online about this guy talking to the owner of Neocities from five months ago? Hearing that they're not going to do it but I don't see anything really publicly out on that, I'm worried though