Toji's World 9.0 ~The Aqua Groove~

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The number of coronavirus cases have drastically decreased in Japan, following the end of the Tokyo Olympics. But why?
The west gets Gundam model kits ahead of Japan? 何???
最近、先生としてオンラインレッソンしている。印象は? Recently, I've been running online classes at school. What do I think about it?
your button isnt working for me :(
tojisworld 3 years ago

Thanks for letting me know. I just added a png version on my links page.

tojisworld 3 years ago

Also, I just realised looking at your links page - you'll need to host the button on your site for it display, as hotlinking doesn't work

The Real Grade Hi-v Gundam model kit released last friday. What's unusual about this release was that people were lining up outside stores long before they opened just to get their hands on this kit. Until recently, lining up at a store for hours to just get a regular release model kit has not been a thing in Japan.
Even with the State of Emergency in effect for many of Japan's prefectures, I still managed to take a trip to Kusatsu in Gunma prefecture just before my summer break ended.
Getting reacquainted with an old friend 20 years later...
Living in Japan is known to change people. But has it changed me?
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While Japan doesn't have "lockdowns," they do have State of Emergencies for dealing with the coronavirus. While these SoEs don't have any real teeth, and aren't really enforced, businesses tend to abide by them by shortening their hours. In some cases, they'll temporarily close for the duration - including the gym I usually go to.
The site seemed to have been down for a day (or a few hours at least), but it's back up now.

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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedAug 11, 2020
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art anime japan personal evangelion