Thricegreat's Webpage

4,292 updates
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Using the neocities API, you can automatically generate what HTML you need for your index. You may do so by naming your posts in a way that they are naturally sorted in the correct order, request a listing of all your files from the neocities API, then generate HTML for all files in that output that match your naming pattern, that which you then upload back to as index.html.
kaa 1 year ago

Regarding naming scheme, sorting by date has been most practical for me. Naming files YEAR-MM-DD naturally sorts them oldest to newest, and when the output is reversed it is then newest to oldest. For that reversing, I use busybox's `sort -r`.

kaa 1 year ago

Given that you seem to dislike writing HTML, I think that running a single command would be a nicer experience than writing out another a tag and a br every time you write something new.

thricegreat 1 year ago

Thanks. But the problem is that I constantly change old posts. And I don't want to change the date.

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zinportal 1 year ago

Have you tried in which you can declare the blog entry’s date?

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thricegreat 1 year ago

>>zinportal That's too much. kaa recommended the API, because it is just an URL.

thricegreat 1 year ago

I thought about this again. The main problem is about the data structure. At the surface, I'm using a data structure similar to a blockchain. Instead of a linked list, I use an array though.

thricegreat 1 year ago

A file content may change. But a (file, title) pair will not. It is ordered by date. I only add a pair, and don' t do another operation.

thricegreat 1 year ago

By this, I don't need to consider another operation. I only need to add. And I can easily add by simply writing "(a href=$file)$date $title(/a)(br)".

thricegreat 1 year ago

However, suppose that I start to sort. Then I need to change the data structure. It will have another operation. Like removing. This will make the problem complex.

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