Welcome to scftst4rs! ★

1,337 updates
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I have finally started work on the wardrobe page, but I dont have many photos to add to it yet so well see how that goes OwO
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Another update! Finished the archive page! I might have to lower the quality of the screenshots because they struggle to load in but for now they will do.
Updated my site button!! If you're hotlinking it should update automatically?? But if youve saved your own copy and want the new one, this is your notice to do it! :D It's a very minor change, I just changed the text to say scftst4rs because as usual I'm having name struggles :/
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SCFTST4RS V3.0 IS UP BAYBEEE!! There are probably a few things that'll need fixing over the next few days as I notice them but for now the site should be functional? Idk, let me know if you encounter a problem. Anyway, I need to actually start filling this thing up with *content* its so emptyyy, it has been for ages ;-;
scftst4rs 1 year ago

OH also the flashy dots on the time display broke again so I've had to remove them :/

hatsu 1 year ago

big layout websites are so cool

finally made my email, so for now I'll consider my site ready to be properly updated. I'll have to wait until i get back to my desktop tho, since I'm working on my laptop atm which is very laggy and i cant be bothered trying to upload and adjust all the files this way. idk, hopefully I'll be a bit more active soon, I've just been very focused on my youtube recently :P
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Blog pages have been updated!!! (well I did remove all but one of the posts but anyway)

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedJun 2, 2022
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personal blog cosy cute