it seems i'm updating TOO often now bc it didn't give me a new "you updated your site post" ANYWAY new blog post! just a diary entry, i want to try doing them monthly...
use vim and format it later (i dont write anything word heavy so my advice is not really useful)
i just type it directly in the code! I have a copy-paste formatting and then all i have to do is write and add s. then again i don't think my blog is typical of blogging, it's all contained in 1 page lol
update! all my old blogs are up! now i just need to start writing some new ones >:)
BLOG PAGE IS BACK UP! ill slowly work on getting all my entries back up and that over time but for now IVE GOTTEN SOMETHING DONE DFJGSDKJFG
wow it's literally the ecaxt same format as literally every other layer ive had but anyway... hopeing it's not too much of a down-grade from my last layout but I just wasnt vibing with it T_T
..once? idk taking down what i have on the site now feels like such a waste but i dont like that's its just going to be left sitting there for who knows how long while i work on the new layout (if you can even call it that, all my layouts follow the same basic shapes T-T). i also think some of it has to do with my fear that in a few months time ill get bored of this new layout and have to redo the entire site over...
..AGAIN. oh my! at this point i shouldve just made a blog post but its too late now. idk im confused and frustrated, pls send your thoughts, and i hope you're all doing well ToT
new blog post! this one's mainly aimed at people who watch my youtube videos though :P
OH! also button wall is back up but it needs some updating :/