Nora's Digital Underground

734 updates
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I absolutely love everything about your website!!! (not sure if this is intentional but it looks like on some of the pages the mobile layout might have carried over to desktop, though that might just be my laptop being funky) As someone who loves punk culture and wants to participate more in it, I'm going to be spending a lot of time just hanging around here. ALSO OMG MY BUTTON IS ON HERE ALKFJCLDCJ TY
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norea3a 7 months ago

Is your laptops screen width lowen than 800??? Thats the only explanation I can imagine for the layout being messed up. Anyways, I'll be glad to have you around here <3

norea3a 7 months ago

Reworked Home page. I'm looking for feedback on it, so I'd love if you told me your opinion 💜

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goooby 7 months ago

i really love it, i like how much your html skills improved!!

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theastralsea 7 months ago

Some of the images aren't scaled quite correctly for me, but I think that's an issue on my side. Love it

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norea3a 7 months ago

Which pictures? If they are those of the art gallery, ill work on those soon anyway

Hey, cool website, I really dig the aesthetic, and the background is quite relaxing
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norea3a 7 months ago


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nekatina 7 months ago

Qué ha pasado con los otros estilos?

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norea3a 7 months ago

Al final solo tenia decentes el punk y el gotico, y no veia el punto en tener dos estilos con el mismo contenido, asi que hice que el punk fuese mejor y me olvide de esa idea, sorry :(

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norea3a 7 months ago

I made some colour changes (mainly the background), changed the layout of the promo section. AND I PUT ALL THE STYLES INTO A CSS FILE, ABOUT TIME

norea3a 7 months ago

I got plans to open images inside the page but I'm not sure how to do it right now. Im thinking of a tumblr style view, but Im still deciding

norea3a 7 months ago


norea3a 8 months ago

Added my Calckey account and a new drawing, not much really

norea3a 8 months ago

Ditched the "multiple styles" thing, I dont think I ever found a reason for it. I also changed some colours because many people told me the punk style made their eyes hurt. New blog post too, about tomorrow's One Piece episode

norea3a 9 months ago

New things in the promo section, I really want to shoutout GunchesBoats because their Lorethrough of Elden Ring is great. Also, dungeon23 for the month of July

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedMar 10, 2023
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personal queer ttrpg art punk