Nora's Digital Underground

731 updates
0 tips
This is really nice, the whole sticker feel is a great touch
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bookslozano 1 month ago

Thank you!! Your layout and art is so perfect!!

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Oooh I love the new look of the site!
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Im really digging the aesthetic, it looks great
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norea3a 1 month ago

Reworked the whole site. Not much in the design aspect, but a lot of changes in structure and organization

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norea3a 2 months ago

Updated promo and buttons, not that much

I'll be updating the buttons section soon, if anyone wants their button changed, added or anything, tell me and I'll work on it
HOW HAVE YOU 2500+ UPDATES ALREADY??? Its more than twice what I have!!!
al-the-raven 2 months ago

lmao I'm indecisive, do my coding on neocities, click save everytime anything changes, and keep adding things to the toyhouse and the links site

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al-the-raven 2 months ago

how do you only have 580 updates...

norea3a 2 months ago

I work on local and only add things when I got some work done, Ive also had less time to work on it because of school

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Really cool art, looks great
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Very nice with the map concept!
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norea3a 3 months ago

thanks <3, I wanted to get an urban feel, I hope thats what it transmits

Website Stats

Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedMar 10, 2023
Site Traffic Stats


personal queer ttrpg art punk