
2,341 updates
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Pretty excited I finally finished hand-tracing the Creatures 1/2/3/DS pixel font to make vector font files. So happy I am done now LOL! So updated Creatures page to add them ^^
your website is BEAUTIFUL!!! love the navigation!! <3
karithina 2 years ago

Aaahh thankyou so much! <3 <3 Think it's the first time ever that I sketched my navigation idea before I made it I was that excited LOL! Just need to get the content on the other pages to look better with the header eventually too LOL :)

4o4 was updated.
2 years ago
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4o4 was updated.
2 years ago
4o4 was updated.
2 years ago
teddybear-halo 2 years ago

omg that norn picrew!!! that's awesome!! you're amazing!! *w*

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karithina 2 years ago

@teddybear-halo Aaahhh I missed you commented this! Thankyou so much!! I needed it to exist because I'm terrible at visualising stuff LOLL

Love the layout and didn't realize people still play Creatures. Its such a nostalgic game for me.
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karithina 2 years ago

Thankyou ☺️ I stopped playing it for many years but came back very excited that there are discord channels for it and it just got released on Steam too end of last year, so thriving community still! I love your website btw, impressed how much you have on there, I'm slow going on mine 🤣

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4o4 was updated.
2 years ago
4o4 was updated.
2 years ago
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4o4 was updated.
2 years ago
Eh on second thoughts I'm going to bed, so I'll leave my header and footer unfinished lol!

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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedJan 1, 2022
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art creatures artificiallife games