The web site of cherrycloudchiffon

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Holy cow, the Crowdstrike crash...this felt like what we would expect during Y2K. It's def a wake-up call on self-education to de-monopolize our operating systems. I could see myself getting frustrated at my old job because they relied on what most airports are using for scheduling. I feel bad for those who are in need of paychecks, medical appointments, or emergency travels. >_<
badgraph1csghost 7 months ago

[update failures] When every office had their own server: A mild inconvenience, can't access files on company intranet, tech guys need to work through lunch. Half the world relying on a single bank of computers: The entire world economy grinds to a halt.

cherrycloudchiffon 7 months ago

@badgraphics You worded it very beautifully! I know you wrote entries that weren't too far from this topic.

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badgraph1csghost 7 months ago

I'm just glad that most of the state govts (including my old job) run on ancient legacy machines because their software was developed in VBasic.

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CreatedMar 16, 2023
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